Monday, November 16, 2009


It has been a few weeks since I wrapped my first project in Orlando, and only a few days since the private premiere. The finished project of "The Gutter Diaries" was just proof of the amazing talent throughout our cast and crew. Now, we're just waiting for our acceptance in film festivals all around the nation and internationally! The faith that people have in this project is really motivating and exciting.

I spent a couple of months back in North Carolina recently, to be with my Professor and his wife as she fought her battle with pancreatic cancer. Before I left Orlando, I had just gotten the ball rolling on my career. I felt at least a small amount of momentum gaining in my drive as a professional actor in this market. The time I sepnt in NC was time I would never sacrifice for anything and was worth every minute. But when I came back home, I found the momentum was gone and I had to get up and going again. I felt a lack of drive and motivation and was really disappointed in my ability to get the ball rolling once again.

After "The Gutter Diaries" premiere, I am fueled and moving again! The pilot was so well received and has already led to more potential projects. It was just the spark I needed to get my act together (no pun intended) and get back to work again. This week I am getting my website up and running, getting my business cards printed, and am looking at at least one script as a future project.

SO now the goal is to keep this fire burning and continue an active pursuit of this dream of mine. Sky is the limit.

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