Monday, November 30, 2009


I'm in a very strange place right now. I've started to feel the pull of life wanting me to move forward. I wonder how much of it is my own insecurities with where I am right now:

  • I'm still living at home, which as a recent graduate is not necessarily a bad thing, i just feel like I'm at a stand still of sorts. It is very easy for me to get complacent at home. I settle and I take the easy road, because I can.
  • I have really no job to speak of at the moment. A few days here and there in Artistree, and I can make balloon animals (yes, balloon animals) whenever I feel like it, but nothing is putting substantial money in my pocket.
  • And, (downer alert) I've been feeling pretty lonely lately. I have the most amazing family. I'm lucky to be so close to them. But I miss having a group of people that I can call "mine". I need my family outside of my family. For so long, Elon filled that hole. But after graduation, we all went our separate ways, some friendships faded. And the ones that didn't fade are still my life; my truest friends are my north star. But even those are hundreds of miles away and I struggle with not having anyone here that I can cling to.
  • My career is really going no where here either. I know that it takes patience and perseverence. But in New York, in LA, I would have multiple auditions for things On a weekly basis. Now, I'm lucky to have one every two weeks.

Its time for something to change. Time for me to feel like I'm moving forward. Time for something significant to happen. Time for "the move"? Time for a vacation. Time for something.

I'll let you know when I figure out what it is.

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